I used to play with lantern during the Lantern festival, my mum get me 1 without failed. I will light it up & play with my malay friends (no chinese friend at that time). It was really fun & especially when the lantern caught fire & we will laugh non-stop. The lanterns which we had last time are very different from the ones we had these days. I had butterfly, goldfish, rooster & many others lanterns made from cane & red coloured transulent paper with the figures of the animal/insect painted on it. I saw one similar rooster lantern at the market & was surprised it is selling at $8.50, much more expensive than those battery operated lantern (maybe because they are hand made).
The last lantern I had was in 1995 from the Oxyfresh Mooncake party. I walked around our house (inside, cos too embarrassing to go outdoor) into the rooms & even the toilets. It was lovely especially in the dark, my mum say even when you are married, you should buy a lantern to celebrate cos lighting the lantern in hokkien sound like 添丁 (meaning having a son).
My mum no longer buy lantern for me but she bought for all my kids. She felt that we should celebrate each Festivals of the year & children should play with lanterns during Lantern Festival however my kids don't seem to be interested in lanterns cos computer games have overwrite all the funs that we had during our time.

Allyson & Randson celebrated the festival in their childcare, they are supposed to wear traditional clothings. As Randson was involved in the drama "后羿射日-十个太阳" so he has to wear a yellow/orange shirt.
He was telling me yesterday, "Mummy mummy, I am going to be the sun & Wen Kang is the archer, he will shoot arrow at me." (Cute)
In the evening, thought of bringing them to the Park to play but they were too engrossed in their computer games. We had a short session of fireworks (stick form) at the lift lobby cos it was too smoky, we decided to give up.
What caught my attention in the first photo is not those lanterns but the many $1 behind? Are they real? heehee :)
i love the way yr son describing his role in the drama. So funny.
Heehee, they are real.
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