Saw the savoury pumpkin kuey recipe in Pamy's blog, it is really mouthwatering, so I decided to make one myself (it has been years I have not tried making kuey). I bought all the ingredients on last Friday & prepared to make the kueh on Saturday. It is a peaceful Saturday morning, after cooking noodle for the kids as their breakfast cum lunch. I started to make my very own pumpkin kueh.
Everything was ready...fried/cooked & I steamed it for about an hour. But it didn't turned out well, it is like glue than kueh (so disappointing/sad). I tried some, not bad leh, taste like savoury pudding/jelly...lol. I scooped some for my kids & surprisingly they loved it & Randson even asked for a second serving. The rest were too busy playing Little Fighters on the computer.
Then I sit at my dining table, staring at my "imperfect" kueh & thinking what I can do to get it "perfect". I tried to fry it with oil...it didn't work, I tried to wrap it with my leftover popiah skin (we had popiah last Saturday but forgot to take photos) but thinking it wouldn't taste good as it will be weird to have gluey stuff inside a fried popiah. End up my dustbin get to taste my hardwork, I didn't keep it till my hubby came back from work, cos didn't want him to know I'm such a letdown. No worries, I'll try harder next time, I knew what went wrong cos I didn't put in enough flour (only 1/2 pkt of the rice flour) thinking that 2 round tray of pumpkin kueh will be too much (based on Pamy's recipe).
Aiyah...didn't want to talk about it anymore. :(
Haha lilian, I’m also like you. If my cooking fail, I rather throw away than to show it to my dh. Don’t despair. Practice makes perfect.
Don't worry lilian... u shld success in the next try.. but from your pic can see there are alot of "LIAO" leh.. shredded mushroom etc minced meat huh... must be u too greedy..put too much liao then then flour.... but don't worry u can make it de..
Tks for your encouragement!!! Heehee...must hv alot of "liao" then nice mah. Yalor, tink it will be perfect if I use the full pkt of flour...tat's the problem of not following instructions.
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