Most of my colleagues in the office have african violets on their desk, so I also follow "wind", start to have one 4 years ago. When theirs started to bloom, mine was always with green leaves. Until 3 years ago, I was away on maternity leave, Marilyn helped me to take care of the plant & it started to bloom (think she has green fingers). When I was back to office, I gave the pot away cos I don't like white flowers.
On 17 July 2005 (guess why I can remember this date), Cynthia gave me a pot of African Violet. It start to grow & grow & grow till I have to repot it to a bigger pot & it BLOOM (see the 1st pic)!!! Finally after 1 year, it bloomed in June 2006. There are new buds coming out now (second blooming) & the one I saw last Friday has bloomed into a small flower this morning.
Btw, now I have 4 pots on my desk. 1 pot of purple flower African violet, 1 pot of pink flower, another pot of purple flower (2nd generation of the 1st pot, it was grown fm its leaf) & a small pot which belongs to Linda (she say I am the Godmother of her plant).
Wow... this pot of flower was nice... where did u get it from? Is it expensive?
It was given to me by my colleague. Very easy to grow, all you hv to do is take 1 leaf & plant it into the soil & it will start to grow seedlings (more small leaves). Maybe if we got chance to meet up, I'll bring along a leaf or seedlings for you.
Wow.. so easy? Just plant the leave will do... i want i want... maybe we should mit up these days..hor.. so long nv see u liao.. the last time i saw u is at TP mall.. u and yr son...lolz....
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