Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Lena's character in Maple

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tissue Box
Monday, November 27, 2006
Pinwheel biscuits

Monster Sweets
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Dinner at Pasir Panjang Food Centre

After the water play, the kids are feeling hungry & Daddy brought us to Pasir Panjang Food Centre for dinner. Johnson & Randson remembered that we have been here before in March 2006 & they have stand beside the wrong car awaiting for Daddy to open the doors.
We had satay, barbeque stringray, cockles, mussels, fried rice, coconut & sugar cane juice. There goes my diet plan again!

P.S. Finally I lost another 2 kg after my weight stayed stagnant for the past 2 months, I have been quite discipline for the past 1 week as I am having flu & have not much appetite.
Another trip to Vivo City

Wow, they had a pool there and there are quite a lot of people walking in the water (now we know why Daddy asked us to bring extra clothings). Some kids are swimming & playing in the water too. It was quite dark & after 2 rounds of walking along the edge of the pool, the boys decided to play in the water & Allyson joined in. She sat in the water & playing water with her brothers. I am rather surprised as I thought she might be afraid of the water but she seemed to enjoy it very much, even when I walked around with her in the water, she has no fear at all. Maybe one of these days, I should bring them to "The Eden" (the condo opposite our block where Christie stayed) so that they can have good swim there.

Yummy, it's a strawberry cheesecake!

This is the strawberry cheesecake which Yvonne has baked & we collected it from her house today. Wow, her house is so nice & cosy, unlike our house is always so messy (with 4 kids around, how to be nice? But it is cosy, afterall it is our HOME!!!).
Johnson & Randson eaten 2 slices each & I had 1. Johnson was telling me, how to lost weight with all these good stuff? (Quite true!!!) We are not feeling hungry when Daddy is back from work around 6.30pm & asking us to get ready to go for dinner.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Having Another Strawberry Cheesecake Soon
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Fallen in love with Cheesecake

Monday, November 20, 2006
Escape Theme Park (Downtown East)

We went to Snow City last Friday, so we decided to go Downtown East today whereby they are having a promotion. Only $6 for the admission (unlimited games), 1 free snack, ice-cream & a carnival game, $6 off Merchandise purchase & $6 off the next visit.
My last visit to Wonderland is about 18 years ago. My sons can't wait to see cos they have never been to one before. They have been watching one of Jacky Chan's movie where Jacky visited the Haunted House & this is the first place they would like to visit when we reached the Theme Park.
There was a long queue outside the Haunted House & we waited for about 20 minutes. We went in together with another group of youngsters. Nickson & Randson were holding on to my hands & they were frightened by the ghostly display in the house. There is a guy whom dressed in a black robe & he was chasing us whereby Nickson got so scared & I have to shout "please, please don't chase after him, he is very scare!!!". Luckily he stopped after my plead.

Johnson ran out of the house with the group of youngsters & he told me that the group in front of him were running too cos they thought someone is chasing after them & only when they reached the exit then they realised actually is Johnson whom is running after them. "Aiyah, it's just the little boy." They said.
The boys lost their interest of the Theme Park after the visit to the Haunted House, so we went for a short break & have our ice-cream treat. After that we went to play the Roller Coaster (cos it has the shortest queue), however Nickson has not recovered from the fear, so 3 of us went ahead for it.
After that, I tried to persuade Nickson to join us on the Ferry Wheel as it is not so scary/challenging as the Roller Coaster. He enjoyed it & I managed to snap some pictures while we were up there.
Quite difficult to get the boys to play other games cos either the queue was too long or they are "under height" which a parent is required to accompany them in the game. As I was alone with them, we are unable to play most of the games. However they enjoyed the toot-toot train ride. It is not challenging at all but they loved it. They went round & round in it & the queue was never long.
We also try out luck at the Carnival games & Nickson managed to win a "lion" with our last ticket.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Bob the Builder Big Surprise Show at Expo

Finally we are going t0 watch the Bob the Builder Show today, Nickson is so excited cos he is the one whom ask me to join the Kids Central contest & he keep telling his brothers that this is his first time watching a live show.
The show started at 2.15pm & it seems like the excitement was no longer there. The 3 boys just seated there quietly watching the show & Allyson started to move around & not paying much attention. I have to hold her hands & asked her to dance just like the characters on stage.
Then the show ended at 3.10pm & we followed the crowd out of the Hall. Quite disappointing, paid $70+ for such a short show & not much excitement, or maybe we are too old for the show. I do wonder do other Shows (like Barney) as short as this one?
However, the next excitement started shortly after we arrived at Expo Hall 5 whereby they are having the "Asian Food Fair". We bought chicken wings, sharkfin soup, octupus balls & Bak Kua as our snack. Managed to find a seat (actually is sharing with other people) near the exit to the MRT station & we started eating there. Yummy yummy - seems like the food is more interesting than the Show.
Friday, November 17, 2006
My dream to see Snow - fulfilled
Being a mountain tortoise, I have asked Cynthia how do snow looked like, does it look like ice kacang? She told me it is about the same cos she seen it before in Boston.
Yippy, it is my chance to see snow but not in Boston, New Zealand or Japan but in Singapore Snow City!!! The childcare have brought my boys there before & they told me it was fun. The days before our trip, I kept asking them what do they have there & they told me you can slide down the slope, throw snow balls at each other & they also have igloo... wow, sound great!
I can't wait to see with my own eyes.

I had a hard time looking for a right helmet for Allyson & walking up the slope is really killing me as I have to carry Allyson all the way up there as I'm worried that she might not be able to stand the cold. I was quite scare to slide down the slope initially but it was a wonderful experience with Allyson in front of me (both of us facing in front), then I was in front of Allyson (both of us looking upwards the slope) & the next moment, we were at the foot of the slope. It happened too fast.

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Reset the Windows Password
Tai-ge ask me to download the tools from the web but I did not burn the CD correctly - OMG.
Luckily I'm a computer illiterate (cos Meng Song say "huh, you never set password for your Administrator?") & I tried the suggestion from the Microsoft website to set my PC to safe mode & remove the user password by logging in as the Administrator.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Stuck in the office
Password for the computer
My mind has been blanked for a long long time already, all I knew was I have to wake up at 5.30am every morning to make breakfast for Johnson, wake Nickson & my hubby up at 6.45am. Around 7.30am I'll have to wake Randson & Allyson up, then sent them to childcare & I'm off to work.
Working for 8 hours & it's time to go home (not always, sometimes have to work late). Have to drop by the market to buy vegetable, Shop n Save to buy pork, bread, groceries, etc. Fetch Randson & Allyson from Childcare, have my dinner, wash the dishes, boil water for next day, throw rubbish, water the plants, pack Randson's & Allyson's bags, check Johnson's & Nickson's bags...keep the clothes which mum has folded. And it is time to sleep... ... How to remember so many things?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Lower Primary Sports Day - P2 report book

Friday, November 10, 2006
P4 report book
His grades have dropped quite alot after joining this class, I have checked with the school & was told that the change was done randomly (not based on results). Not sure what do they mean by random? By name, weight or height?
When I told his English teacher about his unhappiness in class (eg, when it is time for teamwork, he is the only one who has to do the job - As a mother, I can understand his frustration so I have asked him to take up the challenge, as the one who did more will learn more). The teacher replied, "You have to let him mixed around & faced different challenges."
Yes, she is right, mixed around, if you can't change them, you join them. Hence this is reflected in his results!!!
P.S. Sorry I'm not blaming the teacher or school, perhaps the old school system which I have attended is better but it can be quite stressful if you are not doing well.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Geraldine away from office
As usual, working from home can be very stressful but luckily Allyson's temperature was stabilized after taking the new antibiotics.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Allyson's fever went up again
Brought her to the doctor again & was told that if the fever did not go down for the next 2 days, will have to send her to the hospital, OMG!!!
He (doctor) has frightened me & upon reaching home I've requested to work from home the next 2 days. I really have to apologise to my boss cos my colleague is going on leave the next 2 days & I have to work from home but I promised I will still deliver as usual.
Got to pray double hard, pls help to recover as soon as possible. It hurts when I see her (Allyson) in this state, why can't I take over her illness?
African violets blooming again!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Working from home
Get well soon, Ah Girl!!! Mummy unable to work when you are sick, especially you refused to take medicine.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Randson & Allyson fall sick
Allyson is running a fever since Saturday afternoon & the temperature is getting higher & higher, how can I get back to work? So I requested to work from home & it is really double stress!!!
My mum brought them to see the doctor. It was a long wait, fm 9am till 12 noon cos Dr Ong is super slow. I have encountered this before, I was numbered 7 patients & only get to see him at 11am, some patients will stay in the consultation room for 45 mins while some stayed for half an hour & the fastest might be 15 mins. Got to pray hard not to fall sick on the days when he is on duty.
It is very stressful to feed medicine to Allyson, she will struggle as if we are trying to give her poison, taking her temperature with an ear thermometer is also a chore. Our sofa was torn in the "poisoning" process.
"Allyson, please get well soon!!!"

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Sheng Siong's Lucky Draw

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Nice pictures found in Randson's file
Friday, November 03, 2006
Finally Exams are over!!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Won 1 pair of Bob the Builder Show Tickets
However 2 tickets were not enough for the family so I have to spend another $70+ to get another 3 tickets.