Johnson has been pestering me to make cookies or cakes these days (school holidays - nothing to do except playing computer games), so we decided to make "Pinwheel biscuits" today by rubbing-in method which is the easiest way to make biscuits (no whisking/creaming required). Got the recipe from my Secondary School Home Economics textbook (not sure whether Lena's remember this recipe, I photocopied for her when she was in Australia). I have doubled the quantity in the recipe in order to make more biscuits (ie, I use 200gm of flour instead of 100gm, etc as suggested in the recipe).
Basic Ingredients :
100 gm of plain flour
50 gm of butter
50 gm of sugar
1/2 egg (beaten)
vanilla essence
25 gm of milo/cocoa
Methods :
1. Shift flour into a mixing bowl.
2. Rub in the butter until mixture resemble breadcrumbs.
3. Add sugar & mix well.
4. Add egg, vanilla essence & mix to a soft dough.
5. Knead gently on a floured board with the fingertips till smooth.
6. Divide it into 2 portion.
7. Add the milo/cocoa to one portion.
8. Roll out the 2 portions into rectangles of the same size.
9. Place the chocolate piece on top of the plain piece & roll like a swiss roll.
10. Cut into pieces of about 0.5 cm thickness & bake on a greased baking sheet for 20-30mins in a very moderate oven.
i rem yr home econ book :) very nice rolling job.
Heehee..this time I get the right texture, it is biscuits & not cookie (softer version) or cake.
Ya... i sure remember that book... i still filed it nicely le... until now i still have that recipe book in my collection. It's indeed and simple and easy book to follow... :)
Yes, I loved to use the recipes in this book too, usually it is easier to make/bake.
Btw, I've added berrifairy as my buddy, hope to see u soon. I jus bought a cap for my char. Heeheehee...modern cap with traditional costume.
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