We went to Snow City last Friday, so we decided to go Downtown East today whereby they are having a promotion. Only $6 for the admission (unlimited games), 1 free snack, ice-cream & a carnival game, $6 off Merchandise purchase & $6 off the next visit.
My last visit to Wonderland is about 18 years ago. My sons can't wait to see cos they have never been to one before. They have been watching one of Jacky Chan's movie where Jacky visited the Haunted House & this is the first place they would like to visit when we reached the Theme Park.
There was a long queue outside the Haunted House & we waited for about 20 minutes. We went in together with another group of youngsters. Nickson & Randson were holding on to my hands & they were frightened by the ghostly display in the house. There is a guy whom dressed in a black robe & he was chasing us whereby Nickson got so scared & I have to shout "please, please don't chase after him, he is very scare!!!". Luckily he stopped after my plead.

Johnson ran out of the house with the group of youngsters & he told me that the group in front of him were running too cos they thought someone is chasing after them & only when they reached the exit then they realised actually is Johnson whom is running after them. "Aiyah, it's just the little boy." They said.
The boys lost their interest of the Theme Park after the visit to the Haunted House, so we went for a short break & have our ice-cream treat. After that we went to play the Roller Coaster (cos it has the shortest queue), however Nickson has not recovered from the fear, so 3 of us went ahead for it.
After that, I tried to persuade Nickson to join us on the Ferry Wheel as it is not so scary/challenging as the Roller Coaster. He enjoyed it & I managed to snap some pictures while we were up there.
Quite difficult to get the boys to play other games cos either the queue was too long or they are "under height" which a parent is required to accompany them in the game. As I was alone with them, we are unable to play most of the games. However they enjoyed the toot-toot train ride. It is not challenging at all but they loved it. They went round & round in it & the queue was never long.
We also try out luck at the Carnival games & Nickson managed to win a "lion" with our last ticket.
Although the theme park is small but it's still can let the kids have fun rite? Reyon loves the Ferry Wheel the most... he call it balloon.... lol.....
Yes, I told them I have brought them to Korea to see snow & ski (Snow City), to Genting (Escape Theme Park) during the last few days. Johnson say "no, not the same!" but I told him, yes, snow is the same & theme park is the same too.
Heehee....Poor Mummy.
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