The successful pumpkin seedling stopped growing & it was dead. But I found another small seedling started to grow next to it, hope it will grow well!!! These few days my colleagues have been telling me about their friends/relatives having cancer & with limited lifespan, it is kind of sad to hear these but look at the seedlings, isn't life like this? Either you make it or that's it, so we should live our lives to the fullest... isn't it? 只要问心无愧,知足常乐就好了!
These reminded me of the days when my dad passed away, I was going 21 at that time, he promised to throw me a birthday party but... ... nvm, things are unpredictable. When you lose something, you will be compensated with another.
Mdm Susan Tan (my ex-ladyboss in Sam Yong), she threw a birthday party for me at her teahouse (immediately after renovation, pending opening) for my 21st birthday & my ex-JC friends are invited. It is a great birthday, THANK YOU Susan! Thinking of it, I will have to thank my dad too, cos I have quoted a very low salary request in my application letter to Sam Yong & I was reluctanted to attend the interview, dad told me "做人要有信用,答应了一定要去". Otherwise I wouldn't meet these great people, Mr Simon Ong, Mdm Susan Tan & Mr William Woo, I was treated like their own child during my 7 years of service with the company. I was given chances to learn & explore new things (setting up & operate the whole company), helping out in the teahouse just like any other waitresses, allowed me to drive their car home when they are away on business trip, etc.
Furthermore, there will always be gifts for us when they are back from their business trip & they will remember my birthday too!!! Just to name one : I was posted to the Killiney office in 1993 & Simon called me over the phone on my birthday asking "小姐,生日快乐! 你要什么礼物。" Imagine, my boss is calling me & wishing me happy birthday, I was stunned at that time. An hour later, he arrived with Susan & they bought a birthday cake (of cos with my birthday present) & some delicacies prepared by 师父 (the teahouse chef) to celebrate my birthday. The feeling is 非笔墨所能形容的。
(Wow, this is an extremely long posting cos I wanted to write down all my beautiful memories before they are gone from my mind. Poor memories these day.)
Yup... is true.. life is just like seedings.. either u made it to the top or you stay put and wait for your end of life. So no matter wat, just be happy and carry on your life with meaningful things.... I also had a flower pot, no matter what i grew in it.. the seedlings always did not make it to grow. But i had nv give up, i even change a few types of soil to see where the problem lies.. now i can see alot of the little chilli seedlings growing..hope that i can have one of them successfully grown... :)
I wish I can be optimistic like u guys *Sigh*
Pamy, life is so fragile, why not look at the brighter side of it?
Btw, sometimes it is very funny esp when you try to plant something with intention, it didn't grow. But at times, when you just throw the seeds there, it will started growing. My chilli plants started this way cos I have a designated pot for it but it either grow & give up or never grow at all. But those which my hubby just throw into the 观音竹 without taking note of them, it is as tall as the 观音竹.
Think this is what chinese say : "有心栽花,花不开。无心插柳,柳成阴."
Ya..ture.. lilian.. maybe when u want to make things grow on done in the way u want, u always won't get it success. But when u don't even bother it.. things might get better.... :)
Pamy....do look on the brighter sight.......:) Cheer!
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