Didn't managed to knock off on time as alot of orders flowed in today, esp around 4pm. Tried very hard to get them done by 6.15pm & realised that the Order Admin has left for home. OMG, what should I do, my bus has left the place & I'll have to wait till 8pm in order to take a cab home, but I have to finish the costume by today. Luckily my hubby managed to drive me home by 7.30pm.
Wow, got to burn midnight oil again (serve you right, people give you 2 weeks to prepare yet you gave yourself 4 days only). It is already 1.30am when the last star was being pasted onto the robe. Hopefully this costume can bring pride to Randson.
P.S. The next day, a panda asked Randson to try on the robe.
wow say, so well done. I really got to salute u, great mom and creative too..
Got no choice but this is still not my best work.
A few years back, I did for my eldest & second son to dress like a U grad with square hats...that's my favourite piece of work. When I have time I'll run thru my photo album to find the photographs.
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