I have been taking milk shakes as my breakfast & lunch since 1 Aug 2006 (excluding weekends), have lost some weight however it is quite stagnant now. I am wondering should I stopped taking it now cos the body is immuned to the diet or should I continue in order to maintain or there will be further weight lost? Someone told me that I have lost too much in the initial month hence it would slow down now while another told me initially is lost of water content in the body & it is burning fats now which will be slower. Who should I believe as the above are quite convincing.
I think I shall continue for another month & decide should this diet to continue cos I've reached a BMI of 25 & now is trying harder to hit BMI 23 (for Asian). Maybe I am of a bigger frame so don't have to hit BMI 23.
Em.. i guess it all depend on individual body de... cos i also try the Extreme X before.. then after taking two boxes i also never lost much.. only 2 kg... then later bound back again after i stop the med. It's doesn't seems to be as effective as what it is from the TV commerical. So i guess it all depend on body.
Ya, I tried Extrim before, kanna chest pain & gastric but no weight lost. I believed most important is control the amount/type of food we eat. Sound like a dietician..hahahaha, but very hard to do leh.
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