Johnson loves to bake cookies/cakes but I am too lazy to help him in whisking the eggs/sugar. He ever asked me, would he be able to attend any of the cooking classes in school just like he used to have it in the childcare centre? But I am not sure whether boys are allowed to take up Home Economics classes in the secondary school.
In order not to make him feel that this Mummy always say "cannot/no", I suggested that we made konnyaku instead cos I believed konnyaku is more healthy as compared to agar agar & jelly.
Looking at Johnson stirring the mixture over the stove & sweats started to roll over his forehead. It is really amazing, my boys can cook already, lol. Then he started asking, "How long we have to keep them in the fridge? The packaging say 3 hours, can we eat earlier?" They are too eager to eat it.
err, is that apple slices on top of the jelly?
Ya...look yakky esp after it turned brown but they eat it without complain. hahaha
that's what i thought so too. hahaha
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