As usual, we were divided into 4 groups & we created our own signage, logo & slogan/cheers for our group. The names of the group are Super 7, Thorn among the roses, Check & I.B.M.

I was in the Super 7 team, my groupmates are : Sarah, Cher Heong, Un Oi Lin, Xindy, Celia, Sarah & Geraldine. We were called Super 7 cos there are 7 of us (initially we wanted to call ourselves "Lucky 7" but it sounded like a cigarette brand). We played quite a few games but my favourite is the Fashion show, each team are supposed to dress one of our model up with recycled items (newspaper, magazine, etc) or anything we can find in the event hall. All teams scored full points for this event!

More photos taken on that day :

haha... aiyooo Lilian haha my nice lips on ur blog eh! haha... i too lazy to update... too many photos liao haha...
Of cos lah, my lipstick do a good job mah. Hahahaha
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