The childcare centre brought the children to the Kids' Kampong today. Randson must have enjoyed himself cos he kept telling me the fun things that happened there. He told me that the uncle at the kampong say, they must handle the hamster with care, otherwise if the hamster fell down will have "ba lu ku" (bruised with lump). He also caught 5 small "longkang" fishes which he kept them in a small pail & fed them with "tortoise food" (cos we don't have fish food at home).
Teacher Julie complained that Randson taught his friend the 4 letters "f" word, which Randson kept denying. She asked me have I ever heard them saying it at home? Oh... I did heard them saying it, the eldest 2 learnt this wonderful word the moment they stepped into primary school!!! I have told them several times not to use the word, but there are even more ugly words that came out of their mouths when they are angry. OMG, where are their self-control? Have we failed in their upbringings? Too many new things (good & bad) for them to learn from the macro environment & learning ABC is so difficult while the 4 letters words are so easy for them.
True True! I agreed with you lilian. It's take a split sec to turn/learn bad while it takes years to learn/behave good. For eg: Sometime if the bus is late and i will said: "Stupid bus, so late". Then when days go by... suddenly i heard my son also said the word "STUPID BUS", "STUPID MUMMY", "STUIPD...." Aiyo.. i am so surpised leh... or sometime i will also used the word "IDIOT", then my son also know how to say it... OMG! They realli learn bad things fast.... :(
I guess we have to accept how the youngsters speak nowadays. This is so called the “freedom of speech”world. We have to change our mindset of upbringing our child. Reassuring ourselves that saying “F***”is jus a form of expressing their anger, the kids are jus going thru their first phrase of rebellion stage. But I do agree with u, peers influence is really a big headache. It’s not something that we can control or prevent, unless kids don’t watch tv, don’t go out, don’t go school. No kids are born perfect la but I still believe 人之初性本善. At least, i see randson still have the right compassion towards little animals.
Yalor, actually I wanted to tell the teacher "oic, ya, it's very common nowadays." hehehe but dare not cos is teacher mah, must respect the teacher.
I even seen Nickson's friend wrote "you f***ing a**h***" on his spelling paper (he is only in Pri 1), can you imagine that!!! I wrote a note in his communication book but he never show it to the teacher. So the whole thing just ended there as I felt no point to pursue further too, they might not say the words in front of you or the teacher but they will do it among their friends. Don't think will do any good also, as long they know it is a bad word & do have self-control when using these words.
Kids at this stage have very strong esteem especially in front of their peers, so I guess nickson dun wan to be embarrassed in front of his friends. Like what u said lor, we can’t restrict but hv to trust them that they will self-control.
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